Friday, May 15, 2009

Friday Fave 5 (Photos)

As I mentioned in my previous post, it's been quite the eventful week in the Crumbly household. As a result the camera has accompanied us everywhere. Well not everywhere. My friend Chrissy took her camera with her to the doctors office to photograph her daughter getting a cast on her arm. Now she obviously takes her camera everywhere.

So for my Friday Fave I decided to hi-light five of the photos I took this week. Only five! Aren't you relieved.

1. Boo, home from registering for Kindergarten and so proud of himself and his new Kindergarten t-shirt. I would not be exaggerating to say that he has worn this five out of the last seven days. Who am I to squelch that kind of passion for dirty smelly clothes school?
2. Boo and Pepper Love. I am pretty sure Pepper clawed him moments after this shot was taken, but don't they look sweet?
3. A Rare Shot of Anne. She hates it, but I think she is BEE-A-UTIFUL! She has a boyfriend now, by the way. One who is an entire grade level older than her. Completely unacceptable if you ask me. (Why didn't she ask me?)

4. I love, love, love this shot. I am not sure I have ever taken a picture of Pepper that more adequately represents her personality. T.R.O.U.B.L.E. I think they wrote a country music song about her.

5. And lastly, this is a picture of Boo from today...his 5th Birthday! The shot is awful but I love that it shows how excited he is about his gift and about being big enough to carry it "all by myself!"
Happy Birthday Boo! You make me laugh and turn my heart into butter every. single. day. What a blessing it is to be your mama.


  1. Great photos - you can see the personality in each one.

  2. Great photos of your family! Happy birthday, Boo! Now you'll have to update his age in your sidebar. :)

  3. Hi Amelia and welcome to Fave Five!

    Happy Birthday to Boo! You have very adorable kids.

  4. Too sweet. Those are some great pictures!

  5. Five favorites well chosen--great pictures! Happy birthday to your little guy!

  6. They are all beautiful! Kindergarten...only one year away for us... can't believe it.
