Monday, July 20, 2009

Beach trip--Day 2.1

Today dawned with the sound of little feet and giggles. Bump, bump, bump. Squeal. And the distinct feeling that something dangerous was going on while I slept. I crawled out of bed at a shockingly respectable time of 7:30 to go find out what The Littles were doing. Sure enough, Anne had vacated her spot on the air mattress on the patio in lui of air conditioning and The Littles had made it a trampoline. I was actually shocked that Boo could get the sliding glass door open, but he was a boy with a mission. They two of them in the pajamas, dischevelled hair, and guilty grins was about more than a mama's heart could take. So I joined them...for snuggles, not jumping.

Then Boo asked if it was time to go to the beach again. And I glanced outside.

At the rain.

Not sure what the plan is for today. Going to try, passionately, to avoid anything with the name "Ripley's" in the title. But we shall see. Little whining people in a condo all day may wear me down.

Here's a couple pictures from yesterday's trip to the beach. We sure had fun.


  1. Oh no! Rain!! Rain, rain go away....

    Love the beach pictures. I cannot believe how big your biggest boy is! That's shocking! Jack just isn't there yet... still looks like a young boy really. I'll hold onto it as long as I can.

    Here's hoping the sun came out!

  2. I hope you guys still had fun today, in spite of the rain!

  3. in Gatlinburg we went to the Ripley aquarium, which was quite good. I was worried. the rest of the ripley stuff looked like schlock, though.

  4. he he. my word verification was "predict" so now I feel I must predict... that you will have a fabulous vacation (OK, that wasn't that hard of a prediction, I know!)

  5. LOVE these pictures! Glad y'all are having such a great time!
